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Professor and onetime FBI agent

Peter Strzok


FBI government photo


Peter Paul Strzok II

(1970-03-07) March 7, 1970 (age 53)

Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, U.South.

Alma mater Georgetown University (BA, MA)
Occupation Former FBI agent
Spouse Melissa Hodgman

Peter Paul Strzok II (, like struck; built-in March 7, 1970)[1] is a former United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agent.[2] [3] [4] He was the Deputy Assistant Managing director of the FBI's Counterintelligence Sectionalization and led the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 U.s.a. elections.[four] [v] [half dozen] [7] Previously, he had been the chief of the division's Counterespionage Section and led the investigation into Hillary Clinton'southward utilize of a personal email server.[8] [4] [9]

In June and July 2017, Strzok worked on Robert Mueller's Special Counsel investigation into whatsoever links or coordination between Donald Trump'due south presidential campaign and the Russian authorities.[10] [v] [7] In July 2017, Mueller removed Strzok from the Russia investigation later text message exchanges between Strzok and FBI lawyer Lisa Folio contained criticisms of Trump and his supporters.[11] [12] News of the text messages led Trump, Republican congressmen and right-wing media to speculate that Strzok participated in a conspiracy to undermine the Trump presidency.[xiii] [14] [fifteen] [xvi]

On August 10, 2018, FBI deputy director David Bowdich fired Strzok for the text messages afterwards the FBI's employee disciplinary office had recommended that Strzok only be suspended for lx days and demoted.[2] On Baronial 6, 2019, Strzok filed a wrongful termination suit confronting the FBI and the U.S. Section of Justice, request to be reinstated and awarded dorsum pay. He asserted in the adjust that his text letters were "protected political speech", and that the termination violated his First Amendment rights.[17] In September 2020, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt published Strzok's book, Compromised: Counterintelligence and the Threat of Donald J. Trump,[18] which became a New York Times and Washington Post bestseller.[19] [xx]

Strzok is currently an adjunct professor at Georgetown University.[21] [22] He also co-hosts a podcast.[23]

Early life [edit]

Peter Paul Strzok 2 was born nigh Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, to Peter Paul Strzok and Virginia Sue Harris.[1] His male parent is a retired US Regular army Lieutenant Colonel who served in the Corps of Engineers.[24] During a 21-year military career, his father did two tours in Vietnam, ii in Saudi Arabia, and three in Iran, where Strzok attended uncomplicated schoolhouse at the American School in Tehran prior to the Iranian Revolution. The family subsequently moved to Upper Volta, where the elderberry Strzok took an assignment with Catholic Relief Services after retiring from military machine service.[25] One of Strzok's uncles is Father James Strzok, SJ, a Jesuit priest doing missionary work in due east Africa.[26] The Strzok family is of Polish descent.

For high school, Strzok attended St. John'south Preparatory School in Minnesota, graduating in 1987.[27] He earned a bachelor'south caste from Georgetown University in 1991 as well as a master's degree in 2013.[28] [29] Later on Georgetown, Strzok served equally an officer in the United States Army earlier leaving to join the FBI in 1996 as an intelligence research specialist.[6] [thirty] Strzok is married to Melissa Hodgman, an associate director at the U.S. Securities and Substitution Commission.[31] [32] [33]

FBI [edit]

A career employee with the FBI for 22 years before his firing in Baronial 2018,[34] Strzok had been a atomic number 82 amanuensis in the FBI's "Operation Ghost Stories" confronting Andrey Bezrukov and Yelena Vavilova, a Russian spy couple who were office of the Illegals Plan, a network of Russian sleeper agents who were arrested in 2010.[35] [36] By July 2015, he was serving as the section chief of the Counterespionage Section, a subordinate section of the FBI's Counterintelligence Division.[4]

Strzok led a team of a dozen investigators during the FBI's investigation into Hillary Clinton's apply of a personal email server and assisted in the drafting of public statements for and so-FBI Managing director James Comey.[37] He changed the description of Clinton's actions from "grossly negligent", which could be a criminal crime, to "extremely careless".[4] The draft was reviewed and corrected by several people and its creation was a team process.[ citation needed ] In his statement to Congress, Comey said that "no reasonable prosecutor" would bring charges based on bachelor evidence.[4] Later, when boosted emails were discovered a few days before the election, Strzok reportedly supported reopening the Clinton investigation.[38] He and then co-wrote the alphabetic character[39] which Comey used to inform Congress, which "reignited the email controversy in the final days" and "played a key role in a controversial FBI decision that upended Hillary Clinton's campaign."[38]

Strzok rose to the rank of Deputy Assistant Manager in the Counterintelligence Division and was the number two official within that division for investigations involving Russian federation.[ten] [forty] [6] In that chapters, he led the FBI'south investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections,[4] [41] and examined both the Steele dossier and the Russian role in the 2016 Autonomous National Commission email leak.[42] [three] [37] He oversaw the bureau'south interviews with then-National Security Advisor Michael Flynn; Flynn afterward pled guilty to lying during those interviews.[43]

In July 2017, Strzok became the well-nigh senior FBI agent working for Robert Mueller's 2017 Special Counsel investigation looking into any links or coordination betwixt Trump'south presidential campaign and the Russian government.[44] [45] He served in that position until August 2017, at which time he was moved to the Human Resource Branch.[11] [46] [47] [48] [49] According to The New York Times, Strzok was "considered ane of the most experienced and trusted FBI counterintelligence investigators,"[30] as well as "ane of the Bureau'south tiptop experts on Russia" co-ordinate to CNN.[4]

Strzok left the investigation in late July 2017 after the discovery of personal text messages sent to Lisa Page, an FBI lawyer, during the 2016 election entrada, which criticized Trump and said he would "stop" Trump.[eleven] At the request of Republicans in Congress, the Justice Department (DOJ) Inspector General (IG) began an inquiry in Jan 2017 into how the FBI handled investigations related to the election, and the IG announced information technology would upshot a report by March or April 2018.[30] [50] The report was eventually released on June 14, 2018, later on several delays.

On June fifteen, 2018, the day after this IG report was published, Strzok was escorted from FBI headquarters as part of the bureau'due south internal acquit investigations.[51] The move put Strzok on find that the bureau intended to fire him, though he had appeal rights that could filibuster such action.[52] On June 21, 2018, Attorney General Jeff Sessions said that Strzok had lost his security clearance.[53]

On Baronial 10, 2018, under intense political pressure from Trump and Republicans in Congress following the IG report, FBI deputy manager David Bowdich fired Strzok.[54] The dismissal overruled a recommendation by the FBI Office of Professional Responsibility, whose head, Candice Volition, had adamant Strzok should only be demoted and suspended for sixty days, and Strzok'due south attorney cited Will'due south lesser disciplinary action in the course of criticizing the firing.[55] [56] [57]

On August thirteen, a GoFundMe campaign was created by "Friends Of Special Agent Peter Strzok" to raise coin for Strzok'southward lost income and ongoing legal costs.[58]

Text letters [edit]

The IG'due south investigation examined thousands of text messages exchanged using FBI-issued cell phones between Strzok and Lisa Page, with whom he was having an matter. She was also a trial attorney on Mueller'due south team.[59] [60] The texts were sent between August fifteen, 2015, and December 1, 2016. At the request of the House Permanent Select Commission on Intelligence, the DOJ turned over 375 of these text messages to the House Judiciary Commission.[59] [lx] [61] Some of the texts disparaged and then-presidential candidate Donald Trump,[59] [60] [62] [63] Chelsea Clinton, Attorney Full general in the Obama administration Eric Holder, former Autonomous Governor Martin O'Malley, and candidate for the Autonomous presidential nomination Bernie Sanders.[64] [65] [66] Strzok called Trump an "idiot" in August 2015 and texted "God Hillary should win 100,000,000 - 0" after a Republican contend in March 2016.[59] [60] [67]

In their messages, Strzok and Page too advocated creating a Special Counsel to investigate the Hillary Clinton email controversy, and discussed suggesting one-time U.Southward. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald be considered for such a probe.[68] Devlin Barrett from The Washington Post alleged Strzok and Page had been using the backdrop of discussing the Clinton investigation as a cover for their personal communications during an affair.[69] Upon learning of the text messages, Mueller removed Strzok from the investigation.[30] Messages released in January 2018 showed that Strzok was hesitant to join the Mueller investigation, with Page encouraging him not to practice so.[70]

Strzok'south colleagues and a former Trump administration official said that Strzok had never shown any political bias.[71] [62] An associate of his says the political parts of the text messages were especially related to Trump'south criticism of the FBI's investigation of the Clinton emails.[71] According to FBI guidelines, agents are allowed to have and express political opinions as individuals. Erstwhile FBI and DOJ officials told The Hill that it was non uncommon for agents like Strzok to concord political opinions and still comport an impartial investigation.[72] Several agents asserted that Mueller had removed Strzok to protect the integrity of the special counsel's Russia investigation.[73] Strzok was not punished following his reassignment.[74] Defenders of Strzok and Folio in the FBI said no professional misconduct betwixt them occurred.[62]

The decision past the DOJ to publicize the individual messages in December 2017 was controversial. Statements by DOJ spokeswomen revealed that some reporters had copies of the texts even before the DOJ invited the press to review them, merely the DOJ did non authorize the pre-release. Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee accept asked for a review of the circumstances nether which the texts were leaked to select press outlets.[75]

A comprehensive review in February 2018 of Strzok'southward messages past The Wall Street Periodical concluded that "texts critical of Mr. Trump represent a fraction of the roughly 7,000 letters, which stretch across 384 pages and show no evidence of a conspiracy against Mr. Trump".[76]

The Office of Inspector Full general's study on the FBI's handling of the Clinton email investigation published on June 14, 2018, criticized Strzok's text messages for creating the advent of venial. However, the written report concluded that there was no evidence of bias in the FBI's decision not to pursue criminal charges confronting Clinton.[77] The report revealed additional texts hostile to Donald Trump by Strzok. In early August 2016, after Page asked Strzok, "[Trump's] not ever going to go president, right? Right?!", Strzok responded: "No. No he won't. We'll finish it."[78] Many Democrats believed that the FBI'south actions during the 2016 presidential campaign, such as reopening the Clinton email investigation on the eve of the ballot and elements within the FBI telling The New York Times that there was no clear link between the Trump entrada and Russian federation, ended upward harming the Clinton campaign and benefitting the Trump campaign.[79]

At a July 12, 2018 public congressional hearing, Strzok denied that the personal beliefs expressed in the text messages impacted his work for the FBI. Strzok explained that a "Nosotros'll finish Trump" text message was written late at nighttime and off-the-cuff soon later on Trump denigrated the immigrant family of a fallen American war hero, Khizr and Ghazala Khan, and that the bulletin reflected Strzok's belief that Americans would not vote for a candidate who engaged in such "horrible, icky behavior". Strzok said the message "was in no way – unequivocally – whatsoever suggestion that me, the FBI, would have any activeness whatsoever to improperly affect the electoral procedure for whatsoever candidate." Strzok added that he knew of information during the 2016 presidential campaign that could have damaged Trump simply that he never contemplated leaking it. Strzok also said that he criticized politicians such as Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders in his "edgeless" text messages. Strzok claimed the investigation into him and the Republicans' related rhetoric was misguided and played into "our enemies' campaign to tear America autonomously".[77]

A Dec 2019 report by the Justice Section inspector general acknowledged the text message from Strzok about stopping Trump, simply said Strzok's actions were not taken considering of bias and he did not have undue influence in launching the FBI investigation of Russian meddling in the 2016 elections.[80] [81]

Reactions [edit]

Strzok'south personal letters to Lisa Page have been used by Republicans to attack the impartiality of Mueller's investigation into Donald Trump'due south alleged collusion with Russian federation during the ballot. Conservative media outlets and Republicans have used the text messages equally role of an aggressive campaign to ignominy the Mueller investigation and protect President Trump. Other Republicans accept defended Mueller and his work, including Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein who said that he would burn down Mueller only if there was actual cause under DOJ regulations, and that no such cause existed. Rosenstein likewise praised Mueller for removing Strzok from the Russian investigation.[82]

In 2018, President Trump falsely claimed that xix,000 text messages between Strzok and Page "were purposely & illegally deleted" and that these text letters "Would have explained whole Hoax".[83] [84] PolitiFact rated the claim "Pants-on-fire" false. An investigation by the Justice Section's inspector full general found no evidence the letters were purposefully deleted, some from the work phones were recovered, and that the texts on their personal phones were lost when they were reset.[83] [84]

Some commentators on Fox News used Strzok's messages to annotate negatively on the Mueller investigation. Jesse Watters said that Mueller's investigation at present amounted to a insurrection against President Trump, if "the investigation was weaponized to destroy his presidency for partisan political purposes".[85] [86] [87] [88] [89] Fox Business concern host Lou Dobbs said that the FBI and DOJ were working clandestinely to destroy the Trump presidency, and chosen for a "state of war" against the "deep state".[90] I guest on Fox'southward talk and news bear witness Outnumbered, Kevin Jackson, speculated that Strzok's messages were evidence of a plot by FBI agents to make "an assassination endeavour or whatever" against President Trump, which other Flim-flam hosts chop-chop contradicted and said was not "apparent".[91] Fob News figures referred to the investigation as "corrupt", "crooked" and "illegitimate", and likened the FBI's tactics to the KGB, the Soviet-era spy organization.[85]

Congressional scrutiny [edit]

In an August 15, 2016 text message, Strzok told Page: "I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy'south (Andrew McCabe, Deputy Director of the FBI) function that at that place's no way Trump gets elected—merely I'm agape nosotros can't have that risk. It's like an insurance policy in the unlikely effect you die before you're 40." This message attracted scrutiny from Republicans, including Senator Chuck Grassley, chairman of the United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary, who stated: "Some of these texts appear to go beyond merely expressing a private political opinion, and appear to cross the line into taking some official action to create an 'insurance policy' against a Trump presidency." Sources close to Strzok and Folio told The Wall Street Journal that Strzok was not contemplating using the FBI's investigation into possible collusion between the Trump entrada and Russia to impairment Trump's candidacy, merely rather emphasizing the demand to aggressively pursue any such leads before the election "because some of Mr. Trump'southward associates could land administration jobs and it was of import to know if they had colluded with Russian federation."[92] [93]

On January 20, 2018, Senator Ron Johnson (R–WI) released a letter in which he stated that the FBI's technical arrangement had failed to preserve v months' worth of texts between Strzok and Page. According to the letter of the alphabet, the texts in question were sent between mid-December 2016 and mid-May 2017.[94] A Justice Section official later on said that the technical lapse had affected thousands of FBI-issued phones, which failed to store text messages for periods of up to a year.[95]

In belatedly January 2018, a number of congressional Republicans, including Sen. Ron Johnson, asserted that they had evidence that pointed towards FBI agents working clandestinely to undermine the Trump presidency; they asserted that Strzok and Page were in a "secret lodge" against Trump. Congressional Republicans refused to release the prove behind the exclamation, but ABC News obtained a copy of the message that Republicans were referring to and noted that the message that refers to a "clandestine social club" may have been made in jest.[96] The twenty-four hours after his assertion that these letters demonstrated "corruption at the highest levels of the FBI" and subsequently a re-create of the messages were revealed by ABC News, Johnson walked dorsum his comments and said that in that location was a "existent possibility" that the messages were made in jest.[97]

In February 2018, Johnson speculated that a text message between Strzok and Page raised questions about "the type and extent of President Obama'south personal involvement" in the Clinton emails investigation.[98] Play tricks News reiterated Johnson's claim that text messages between Strzok and Folio suggested that former President Barack Obama was deeply involved in the investigation into Hillary Clinton's emails. Fox News spokeswoman Carly Shanahan did not answer an inquiry from CNN about whether Fox News reached out to Obama for comment.[99] Johnson's claim was covered by diverse then pro-Trump websites, such as Drudge Report, Breitbart, InfoWars and The Gateway Pundit, before President Trump himself tweeted "NEW FBI TEXTS ARE BOMBSHELLS!"[99] Other news outlets reported that the text messages were sent in September 2016, months afterward the Clinton emails investigation had concluded, and iii days before Obama would confront Russian President Vladimir Putin about interference in the 2016 ballot at the G20 Hangzhou summit.[99] [100] Associates of Strzok and Page told The Wall Street Journal that the texts were about the FBI's investigation into Russian electoral interference.[98] Fob News continued to written report its original version of the story after the new context for the messages had been publicly proffered.[99]

Post-FBI [edit]

Strzok filed a wrongful termination lawsuit against the DOJ and the FBI in federal court on August 6, 2019, asking to exist reinstated and awarded back pay. He argued that the Justice Section had terminated him considering of "unrelenting pressure" from Trump over his comments in individual text messages. Strzok asserted in the conform that his sentiments were "protected political speech," that the DOJ had violated his privacy by releasing his texts to the media, and that his termination violated the First Subpoena.[101] He alleged that the Trump administration had "consistently tolerated and even encouraged partisan political speech past federal employees", but only if that speech lauded the president and denounced his opponents. He said his removal was "function of a broader campaign against the very principle of costless speech ... initiated and led by" Trump. The Justice Department and FBI spokeswomen declined to comment.[17] In February 2023, federal judge Amy Berman Jackson ruled that Trump and FBI managing director Christopher Wray could exist questioned under oath regarding the accommodate.[102]

In September 2020, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt published Strzok's book, Compromised: Counterintelligence and the Threat of Donald J. Trump,[eighteen] which became a New York Times and Washington Postal service bestseller.[19] [xx] During an NBC News interview upon release of the book, Strzok confirmed a recent report in The New York Times that the FBI had opened a wide counterintelligence investigation into Trump after the president fired FBI director James Comey in May 2017, based on concerns over Trump's "financial entanglements" with Russia. That investigation was curtailed days later by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, giving the FBI the impression that the incipient Mueller investigation would pursue information technology, though Rosenstein instructed Mueller not to, effectively ending the investigation.[103] [104]

Since October 2020, Strzok has been an adjunct professor at Georgetown University's Schoolhouse of Foreign Service.[21] [22] On Feb 6, 2023, the Cleanup On Aisle 45 podcast, hosted past Allison Gill, announced that Peter Strzok would be the new co-host starting on Feb 22, 2023. [23]

References [edit]

  1. ^ a b "Strzok". The Evening News. Sault Sainte Marie, Michigan. March 12, 1970. p. 7. Retrieved Oct 11, 2020 – via
  2. ^ a b Zapotosky, Matt (August thirteen, 2018). "FBI agent Peter Strzok fired over anti-Trump texts". The Washington Post . Retrieved September 12, 2018.
  3. ^ a b Browne, Pamela (December ii, 2017). "Fired FBI official at center of Flynn, Clinton, dossier controversies revealed". Play a trick on News.
  4. ^ a b c d east f g h Jarrett, Laura; Perez, Evan (December 4, 2017). "FBI amanuensis dismissed from Mueller probe changed Comey description of Clinton". CNN . Retrieved Dec iv, 2017.
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  6. ^ a b c Bertrand, Natasha (August 16, 2017). "A top FBI investigator has unexpectedly stepped away from special counsel Mueller's Russia probe". Business organisation Insider . Retrieved Dec five, 2017.
  7. ^ a b Price, Greg (December 6, 2017). "Will Trump Burn Mueller? Democrats Want to Protect Special Counsel Amid FBI Bias Cries". Newsweek.
  8. ^ Schmidt, Michael South. (June 14, 2018). "Peak Agent Said F.B.I. Would Stop Trump from Condign President". The New York Times . Retrieved July 14, 2018.
  9. ^ Doering, Christopher (March 7, 2016). "Thieves meet ag trade secrets as ripe for picking". Des Moines Register.
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  12. ^ Vazquez, Maegan (December 17, 2017). "Mnuchin says he has no reason to think Trump volition fire Mueller". CNN. [Mueller removed Strzok] later learning he had exchanged text messages with an FBI chaser that showed bias against so-candidate Trump.
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  14. ^ "Is Peter Strzok a CIA Operative Who Grew Up in Islamic republic of iran and Was 'Placed' in the FBI to Help Hillary Clinton?". July 23, 2018.
  15. ^ Bertrand, Natasha (June fifteen, 2018). "How Trumpworld Is Spinning the FBI Report". The Atlantic.
  16. ^ "Fox News hosts ramp up 'deep state' conspiracies". Politico.
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  21. ^ a b "Peter Strzok Ii Adjunct Professor", Georgetown University. Retrieved 4 Apr 2023.
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  23. ^ a b "Peter Strzok Peter Strzok to become new co-host on the Mueller She Wrote Podcast". Twitter. February 6, 2023. Retrieved Feb 6, 2023.
  24. ^ Strzok, Peter. "Peter P. Strzok: 50-yr divergence in Iran", Fayetteville Observer (September 3, 2016).
  25. ^ McBride, Jessica (July 18, 2018). "Peter Strzok'southward Father, Peter Paul Strzok: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know".
  26. ^ "Reflections from Africa". Archived from the original on August iii, 2020. Retrieved July 16, 2018.
  27. ^ St. Cloud Times, p. 38 (May 15, 1987).
  28. ^ McBride, Jessica (December 2, 2017). "Peter Strzok & Lisa Page: 5 Fast Facts You lot Need to Know". Heavy, Inc. Retrieved July 12, 2018.
  29. ^ "$25K GUAA Participation Claiming" Archived Oct three, 2016, at the Wayback Machine, Georgetown Academy, accessed November 7, 2017.
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  31. ^ Bucher, Chris (Dec 2, 2017). "Peter Strzok & Lisa Folio: 5 Fast Facts Yous Demand to Know". . Retrieved December 5, 2017.
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  33. ^ Democrat and Chronicle, p. 10 (November 17, 2010).
  34. ^ "Donald Trump is wrong. My customer Peter Strzok is a patriot, not a 'sick loser.'". United states of america Today. June 19, 2018.
  35. ^ "GOP stunt to smear counter-intel adept Strzok ripe for backlash". MSNBC. July eleven, 2018.
  36. ^ Graff, Garrett M. (September 8, 2020). "Peter Strzok Has a Alarm About Russian federation—and Trump". Wired. ISSN 1059-1028.
  37. ^ a b Schmidt, Michael S.; Goldman, Adam; Lichtblau, Eric (April 22, 2017). "Comey Tried to Shield the F.B.I. From Politics. And then He Shaped an Election". The New York Times . Retrieved December 5, 2017.
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  40. ^ "Mueller removed FBI amanuensis from Russian federation probe for anti-Trump texts: reports". Reuters. December iii, 2017. , Reuters (Dec 2, 2017).
  41. ^ Sheth, Sonam (December iv, 2017). "Strzok authorized the FBI to launch the Russia investigation". Business Insider . Retrieved December seven, 2017.
  42. ^ Levine, Mike (Dec four, 2017). "FBI agent removed from Russia probe had key role in controversial remarks on Clinton". ABC News.
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  46. ^ Perez, Evan (December two, 2017). "FBI agent removed from Mueller investigation". CNN.
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  59. ^ a b c d Johnson, Kevin (December 12, 2017). "Peter Strzok, FBI agent removed from Robert Mueller'south Russia probe, called Trump an 'idiot'". USA Today. Peter Strzok, a counter-intelligence agent who also helped run the investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a individual email server, expressed a clear preference for the Democratic candidate while leveling expletive-laden insults against Republicans
  60. ^ a b c d Gerstein, Josh (December 12, 2017). "In texts, FBI agents on Russia probe called Trump an 'idiot'". Politico.
  61. ^ Jarrett, Laura. "Justice Dept. offers up fundamental witness in Russia probe as Business firm Intel Chair threatens antipathy", CNN, December 4, 2017.
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  67. ^ Hartmann, Margaret (Dec 13, 2017). "We Now Know FBI Agents Privately Chosen Trump an 'Idiot,' Just Not Why That's Relevant". New York. Strzok and Page held political views typical of the average Clinton voter....
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  69. ^ Barrett, Devlin (Dec fifteen, 2017). "FBI officials' text bulletin about Hillary Clinton said to exist a cover story for romantic affair". The Washington Post. ISSN 0190-8286. Retrieved December 16, 2017.
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  71. ^ a b Wilber, Del Quentin; Sonne, Paul (Dec 3, 2017). "FBI Agent Removed From Russia Probe Had Key Role in Clinton Electronic mail Investigation". The Wall Street Periodical. Peter Strzok, 47 years old, was one of the highest-ranking agents at the bureau and was considered one of its most experienced counterintelligence experts.
  72. ^ Williams, Katie (December 12, 2017). "FBI agent becomes GOP public enemy No. 1". The Hill . Retrieved Dec 14, 2017.
  73. ^ Wilber, Del Quentin (December two, 2017). "Mueller Reassigned Top Aide on Russia Probe After Anti-Trump Texts". The Wall Street Journal.
  74. ^ Graham, David (December 7, 2017). "The Foreign Tale of Peter Strzok". The Atlantic. Wray said during testimony to the House Judiciary Commission on Thursday that, although he had been reassigned, Strzok had non been punished
  75. ^ Nguyen, Tina (December xv, 2017). "Has the D.O.J. Overplayed Its "Textgate" Scandal?". Vanity Fair . Retrieved December 17, 2017.
  76. ^ Wilber, Del Quentin (Feb ii, 2018). "Within the FBI Life of Peter Strzok and Lisa Folio, equally Told in Their Text Messages". The Wall Street Journal. ISSN 0099-9660. Retrieved February 2, 2018.
  77. ^ a b "FBI agent defiantly rejects bias charges at chaotic hearing". AP News . Retrieved July 12, 2018.
  78. ^ Bowden, John (June 14, 2018). "FBI agent in texts: 'Nosotros'll stop' Trump from condign president". The Hill . Retrieved June 14, 2018.
  79. ^ "Analysis | Peter Strzok simply gave a hard-to-rebut defence force of the objectivity of the Russian federation investigation's origins". Washington Post . Retrieved July fifteen, 2018.
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  81. ^ Wagner, 1000000; Rocha, Veronica (December 9, 2019). "Inspector general written report on Russian federation investigation is out". CNN . Retrieved December 19, 2019.
  82. ^ Fandos, Nicholas; Savage, Charlie (December 13, 2017). "Justice Dept. Official Defends Mueller equally Republicans Try to Discredit Him". The New York Times . Retrieved Dec 17, 2017. Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein adamantly dedicated the character and impartiality of Robert S. Mueller III, the special counsel, as he came caput-to-head on Wednesday with an increasingly ambitious campaign by Republicans to discredit the inquiry. The Republicans' attempt received a fresh jolt from the release one night earlier of text messages exchanged concluding twelvemonth between an F.B.I. agent, Peter Strzok, and an F.B.I. lawyer, Lisa Folio, describing the possibility of an ballot victory past President Trump as 'terrifying' and maxim that Hillary Clinton 'just has to win.' Mr. Mueller removed Mr. Strzok from the Russia investigation as shortly as he learned of the texts, a step that Mr. Rosenstein praised. Nonetheless, Republicans used the letters every bit provender to attack the impartiality of Mr. Mueller during an appearance by Mr. Rosenstein before the House Judiciary Committee.
  83. ^ a b "No evidence FBI officials' texts deliberately erased". PolitiFact . Retrieved December 22, 2018.
  84. ^ a b Seitz, Amanda (December 2, 2019). "No evidence xix,000 text letters betwixt FBI officials destroyed". AP News. Associated Press. Retrieved May five, 2020.
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  87. ^ Hart, Benjamin. "Jesse Watters Says We May 'Have a Insurrection on Our Hands in America'". Daily Intelligencer . Retrieved December eighteen, 2017.
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  91. ^ Bowden, John (December 19, 2017). "Fox invitee floats possibility of FBI assassination plot confronting Trump". The Colina . Retrieved December xix, 2017.
  92. ^ Wilber, Del Quentin (December 18, 2017). "In FBI Agent'due south Account, 'Insurance Policy' Text Referred to Russia Probe". The Wall Street Periodical . Retrieved December 18, 2017.
  93. ^ Jarrett, Laura (December 13, 2017). "Months-worth of FBI employees' texts dreading Trump victory released to Congress". CNN . Retrieved Dec 13, 2017.
  94. ^ Lynch, Sarah N. (January 21, 2018). "Senator says FBI lost crucial texts tied to Clinton probe". Reuters . Retrieved Jan 22, 2018. Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson, who chairs the Senate Homeland Security Committee, revealed in a January. 20 letter that the FBI's technical system failed to preserve texts that were exchanged between Lisa Page, a lawyer, and Peter Strzok, an agent, between mid-December 2016 through mid-May of 2017.
  95. ^ "Thousands of FBI-issued phones had glitch that failed to salvage texts". CBS News. January 24, 2018. Retrieved January 27, 2018.
  96. ^ "The full 'secret social club' text between FBI agents: Was it meant in jest?". ABC News. Jan 24, 2018. Retrieved Jan 25, 2018.
  97. ^ Raju, Manu; Stracqualursi, Veronica. "Sen. Johnson backs off 'surreptitious society' claim". CNN . Retrieved January 25, 2018.
  98. ^ a b Wilber, Del Quentin (February 7, 2018). "Text From 2016 Shows Obama's Interest in FBI Employees' Work". The Wall Street Journal. ISSN 0099-9660. Retrieved February 8, 2018.
  99. ^ a b c d Darcy, Oliver (February 7, 2018). "Right-wing media obsesses over FBI text message story; hours later information technology's debunked". CNN.
  100. ^ Edelman, Adam; Memoli, Mike. "FBI texts: Obama 'wants to know everything we're doing'". NBC News. Retrieved April 11, 2018.
  101. ^ Tucker, Eric (August six, 2019). "Peter Strzok sues FBI for firing him over anti-Trump texts". AP News . Retrieved August 9, 2019.
  102. ^ Hsu, Spencer South. (February 23, 2023). "Trump may exist questioned in lawsuits by ex-FBI employees". The Washington Mail service.
  103. ^ "Peter Strzok Defends Conventionalities Trump 'Compromised' past Russian federation: Their Leverage Renders Him 'Incapable' of Defending National Interest". Mediaite. September 13, 2020. Retrieved September 13, 2020.
  104. ^ Schmidt, Michael S. (August thirty, 2020). "Justice Dept. Never Fully Examined Trump'south Ties to Russia, Ex-Officials Say". The New York Times . Retrieved September 13, 2020.

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