
What Is The Skins Function

Linda Crampton is a writer and quondam teacher with a starting time-class honors degree in biological science. She writes about the scientific ground of illness.

An Impressive and Vital Organ

The peel is an impressive organ that has vital functions. Skin acts as an enclosure that stops water from entering the body, reduces the loss of water, and protects the torso from infection. It also helps to regulate body temperature, produces a vitamin D precursor, protects u.s.a. from damage by ultraviolet lite, and detects data in the environment. In addition, the peel contains cells that belong to the immune system and resident bacteria that help the states in a variety of ways.

Although skin prevents the entry of water and many other substances into the body, it isn't a complete bulwark between the trunk and the outside globe. This is why some medicines can exist captivated through the skin, which is beneficial for the states, and why some chemicals in cosmetics tin can also be absorbed through the skin, which may harm the body. In improver, some of our skin pores allow water to leave the trunk during perspiration. This process helps usa to maintain a constant torso temperature.

The skin is an amazing organ that has vital functions throughout our lives.

The peel is an astonishing organ that has vital functions throughout our lives.

A tissue is a group of like cells working together. An organ is a structure containing multiple tissues and performing a specific role (or sometimes several functions). The skin is the largest organ of the body when we consider both the interior and the surface of the body. The liver is the largest organ inside the body.

Structure of the Skin: An Overview

Although many people may think of the skin as merely a sparse covering on top of our trunk, it actually contains multiple types of cells. The skin consists of two layers—the outer, thinner epidermis and the inner, thicker dermis. Underneath the dermis is the hypodermis, also chosen the subcutaneous layer, which is where fatty is stored. The hypodermis isn't considered to be role of the skin, although the bases of the pilus follicles and sweat glands may extend into it.

The Epidermis

The most abundant cells in the epidermis are the keratinocytes, which are bundled in layers. The keratinocytes in the upper office of the epidermis contain a protein called keratin, which makes the epidermis strong and waterproof. Cells called melanocytes produce a protective paint named melanin. In add-on, Merkel cells, which find light touches to the peel, and Langerhans cells, which are function of the immune system, are located in the epidermis.

The Dermis

The dermis contains collagen and elastin fibers, hair follicles, sebaceous glands, the coiled sections of the sweat glands, blood and lymph vessels, nerves, sensory receptors, and protective cells from the allowed arrangement. The sebaceous glands produce an oily substance called sebum.

Resident Bacteria on the Surface of the Skin

It may be surprising to larn that bacteria are an important part of our peel. The bacteria that make their home there are known as resident leaner, as opposed to temporary visitors, which are known as transient bacteria.

Resident bacteria are mostly harmless or even helpful. They produce acidic wastes. The bacterial wastes and the lactic acid in our sweat cause the skin surface to have a depression pH of around 4 to 5. This pH is fine for the normal bacteria that we deport around only is too low for many harmful bacteria and fungi. Our bacteria population therefore helps to protect us from injury by other microbes. The leaner may also heave the action of the allowed system in the skin and fight pathogens (microbes that crusade illness) in other ways.

The epidermis over most of the body is composed of four layers. The stratum lucidum is present only in thick peel, especially the skin constitute on the soles of the feet and on the palms.

The Five Layers of the Epidermis

The five layers of the epidermis are shown in the analogy in a higher place and are described below.

  • The stratum basale is the deepest layer of the epidermis. It consists of a single layer of cells. The cells dissever to replace the peel cells that are shed.
  • The cells of the stratum spinosum are linked to each other by structures called desmosomes. Desmosomes enable cells to adhere strongly to one another. Filaments fabricated of keratin extend from a desmosome and produce a spiny or prickly appearance. The stratum basale and the stratum spinosum are sometimes grouped together and known every bit the stratum germinativum.
  • The cells of the stratum granulosum contain granules made of a substance called keratohyalin. The granules produces a grainy appearance.
  • The stratum lucidum is a clear layer that contains dead cells. It'due south found in the thick peel of the palms and on the soles of the anxiety.
  • The stratum corneum forms the surface of the peel and contains multiple layers of flattened cells. The cells have no organelles and are gradually shed from the body. Researchers have discovered that the stratum corneum has of import bulwark functions.

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Epidermal Structure

Keratinocytes and Keratin in the Epidermis

The keratinocytes are the most arable cell type in the epidermis. The cells in the stratum basale separate to make the keratinocytes. The cells are eventually lost at the surface of the pare. Each new cell layer produced by the stratum basale pushes the preceding layer nearer to the skin's surface. It takes nigh a month for a specific layer to reach the surface of the skin.

Keratinocytes make a chemical called keratin. Keratin is a fibrous protein that forms hair and nails as well as beingness present in pare cells. It makes the pare tough and contributes to its ability to block h2o movement through the skin. By the time a layer of keratinocytes reaches the surface of the epidermis, the cells take a flattened, hexagonal shape and their keratin is fully formed.

In the stratum corneum, the keratinocytes dice, although their tough keratin nonetheless protects the pare. Eventually, the dead cells fall off. This loss is usually balanced by the production of new cells deeper in the epidermis. The cells that leave the body make upwards a big function of household dust.

Researchers judge that we lose thirty,000 to 40,000 skin cells each minute, or 500 million cells per mean solar day.

Langerhans cells in the epidermis during an infection, with a stain added to make the dark granules in the cells clearly visible

Langerhans cells in the epidermis during an infection, with a stain added to brand the dark granules in the cells clearly visible

Melanocytes, Langerhans Cells, and Merkel Cells


Keratinocytes aren't the only type of cell in the epidermis. Melanocytes are found in the bottom layer of the epidermis. These cells make melanin, a pigment that gives colour to the skin. Melanin absorbs ultraviolet calorie-free, preventing it from damaging the body. Information technology's important to realize that the pigment doesn't completely protect us from UV light. An boosted form of protection is needed when we are exposed to sunlight.

Langerhans Cells

The epidermis also contains Langerhans cells. These cells are classified as a type of dendritic prison cell because they take extensions chosen dendrites at some point in their life. They are part of the immune arrangement, but it'south non completely clear how they function. Their biology is an active area of research. They are named after Paul Langerhans (1847–1888), a High german medico.

Merkel Cells

Merkel cells are located at the base of the epidermis. They lie shut to nerve endings and are sensitive to light touch. They produce hormones, but the function of these chemicals is unknown. As is the case for Langerhans cells, more than enquiry is necessary. The cells are named after Friedrich Sigmund Merkel (1845–1919), a German anatomist.

The epidermis also contains chemicals, including lipids and antimicrobial peptides (short chains of amino acids that fight pathogens). Nutrients for the epidermal cells are supplied by the claret vessels in the dermis, which likewise remove waste product substances fabricated by the cells.

Ultraviolet light from the sun is needed for the skin to make vitamin D, but too much UV radiation can injure the skin.

Ultraviolet light from the dominicus is needed for the skin to make vitamin D, simply besides much UV radiation tin can injure the skin.

The Epidermis and Vitamin D Production

The process of vitamin D production in the body is a multistep procedure. The bones steps are as follows.

  • A chemical in the epidermis chosen 7-dehydrocholesterol is struck by ultraviolet light from the sun.
  • The vii-dehydrocholesterol is converted into an inactive form of vitamin D called cholecalciferol.
  • The cholecalciferol is converted into calcidiol in the liver.
  • The calcidiol is converted into calcitriol in the kidneys. Calcitriol is the active form of vitamin D.

Vitamin D is necessary for the absorption of calcium in the minor intestine. The calcium is sent to the bones and keeps them strong. The vitamin may also boost the activity of the allowed system.

Facts Nearly the Dermis

Connective Tissue

The dermis consists of connective tissue surrounding multiple structures. Collagen and elastin fibers are abundant in the tissue. These proteins provide firmness, flexibility, and elasticity, enabling the dermis to human action as a supporting layer for the skin.

The thinner, upper layer of the dermis is known as the papillary dermis. The collagen and elastin fibres are loosely arranged here. The papillary dermis forms projections called papillae that extend into the epidermis. The thicker reticular dermis below the papillary layer contains fibres in a tighter arrangement.

A Muscle and a Sensory Receptor

The hair follicle is a common structure in the dermis. Fastened to each follicle is an arrector pili muscle. This muscle causes the hair to become erect when the pare is cold or when we experience strong emotions. The erect hairs produce a "goose bumps" or "goose mankind" appearance on the surface of the pare.

One type of sensory receptor in the dermis is the Pacinian corpuscle. It'south classified as a mechanoreceptor and is triggered by touch and pressure. It responds to stimuli such as rough surfaces and vibrations and sends an impulse along the fastened sensory neuron. The bulletin is sent to the brain via a sensory nerve, enabling us to detect the sensation. The receptor's proper name begins with a majuscule considering it's named after Filippo Pacini, an Italian anatomist and microbiologist who lived from 1812 to 1883. He discovered the receptor.

The Dermal Layer of the Skin

Glands in the Dermis

Sebaceous Glands

The dermis contains three types of glands—sebaceous glands, eccrine or merocrine glands, and apocrine glands. Sebaceous glands are usually attached to hair follicles. They secrete sebum, an oily substance that contains a mixture of lipids. Sebum lubricates and waterproofs the skin and hair. The greatest amount of sebum is secreted during puberty.

Eccrine Glands

Our skin contains two types of sweat glands, or sudoriferous glands. Eccrine glands are found over most of the body and release sweat directly to the surface of the skin. This sweat is watery and virtually odorless. It contains many dissolved chemicals, including water, urea (a waste substance produced from protein metabolism), lactic acid, and sodium chloride.

Apocrine Glands

Apocrine glands are institute only in certain areas, such equally the armpits. They become active at puberty and release a thick, milky, and fat liquid into a hair follicle. Sure conditions, such equally stress, stimulate the release of liquid from apocrine glands. When the odorless liquid reaches the surface of the pare, leaner break it downwards, producing odoriferous compounds. The function of apocrine glands is unknown. It's been suggested that in the past (and perhaps in the present) their secretion contained a pheromone, which is a chemical that attracts the opposite gender.

The Skin'south Role in Temperature Regulation

The peel has two ways to regulate body temperature. One method is past changing the diameter of the blood vessels. When blood vessels in the dermis dilate, they permit more blood to menstruation through them. Heat radiates from this blood, moving up through the peel and into the outside globe. The reddening of the skin due to increased blood flow tin can be seen through the thin epidermis. When the trunk is cold, the blood vessels constrict, reducing the flow of blood. This causes the skin to plough pale and reduces heat loss.

The second method of oestrus regulation is by perspiration. Water leaving the eccrine sweat glands absorbs heat from the skin as information technology changes into a gas and evaporates into the temper. The gaseous h2o carries rut from the body with information technology equally it escapes, cooling the body downwards.

A team of researchers has found that our skin may be useful even when it's shed from our body and forms office of the grit in buildings. The researchers have institute that a chemic in the discarded skin called squalene absorbs some of the ozone from polluted air.

Our Wonderful Skin

Our skin is an amazing organ and is more than complex than some people realize. Information technology protects united states of america from stresses that could hurt our bodies, helps us to detect our surroundings, and produces important chemicals. We notice changes in our skin's appearance when we're injured or as we age, simply many of united states of america don't stop to realize what a marvelous and hard-working structure the organ really is. It has an interesting composition and is much more a simple barrier between our torso and the exterior world. The peel is an organ that'southward worth studying.


  • Introduction to skin histology from the Southern Illinois Schoolhouse of Medicine
  • Pare construction, functions, and disorders from the Merck Manual
  • Shed skin cells reduce air pollution from the American Chemic Society.
  • Vitamin D and the skin from Oregon State Academy
  • Data most melanin from the University of Bristol in the Britain
  • Pare gland information from the University of Leeds
  • Filippo Pacini: A Determined Observer (abstract) from the National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Questions & Answers

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© 2012 Linda Crampton

Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on October 02, 2018:

Thank you, Jonas. I'm glad the commodity was helpful.

Jonas on Oct 02, 2018:

Give thanks You! I am doing a research paper on skin and this commodity was very helpful!

Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on September 11, 2018:

Thanks, Shubhada. I appreciate your annotate.

Shubhada on September 11, 2018:

This article is actually amazing with a lot virtually our skin and its facts too.Actually loved information technology Miss Linda.Tysm.

Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on September 08, 2018:

I'm glad the article was helpful, Kusuma.

Kusuma on September 07, 2018:

It is helpful to my studies

Give thanks u

Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on March 14, 2013:

Thank you lot very much for the visit and the comment, Tonipet!

Tonette Fornillos from The City of Generals on March 14, 2013:

So enjoyed reading nigh the wonders of the skin organ. I'm a flake guilty I haven't been giving my skin the best intendance. Thanks then much for this, Alicia. You are an eye-opener. Blessings! -Tonette

Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on June 24, 2012:

Cheers for the comment and the vote, girishpuri. I capeesh your visit.

Girish puri from NCR , India on June 24, 2012:

Alicia, this is indeed an addition to my noesis, voted upward

Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on June 24, 2012:

Thank you for the annotate, Peter Geekie. Information technology's squeamish to meet y'all!

Peter Geekie from Sittingbourne on June 24, 2012:

Honey Alicia C

A very well researched and written commodity

Give thanks you

Kind regards Peter

Linda Crampton (writer) from British Columbia, Canada on June xix, 2012:

Give thanks you for the visit and the comment, teaches. It is easy to forget that the skin is classified every bit an organ!

Dianna Mendez on June 19, 2012:

I e'er forget that the skin is an organ. We discussed this in class the other 24-hour interval as we talked about organ donation and this popped upwards. Interesting topic and well covered.

Linda Crampton (writer) from British Columbia, Canada on June 19, 2012:

Thank yous very much for the comment and for sharing the hub, mary. I appreciate the link in your hub, also! Skin cancer is a very important topic. I'1000 glad that you lot wrote about it.

Mary Hyatt from Florida on June xix, 2012:

Wow! You really did a lot of inquiry for this Hub. It is very informative and interesting. I guess we only take our peel for granted until something goes incorrect like skin cancer. I voted this Hub UP, etc. and I would like to share with followers and FB. May I link this Hub to the one I just published most Basal Cell Carcinoma? Thanks in advance.

Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on June xviii, 2012:

Thanks, drbj. I appreciate your visit, your comment and the vote! The skin certainly is an astonishing organ, and information technology does so much for us.

drbj and sherry from southward Florida on June xviii, 2012:

The pare is an astonishing, remarkable organ, Alicia, and yous have washed an excellent task bringing all this valuable, interesting data to your readers. Thank you, m'dear, and a big Up!

Linda Crampton (writer) from British Columbia, Canada on June 18, 2012:

Hi, whonunuwho. Thanks for commenting. Yes, safe sunlight exposure and an adequate vitamin D supply are very of import topics! On the 1 hand dermatologists tell u.s. that melanin isn't sufficient to protect us from all UV radiation and that nosotros must apply sunscreen to protect ourselves from sunburn and skin cancer, and on the other hand researchers say that many of us are scarce in vitamin D, which is turning out to be an extremely of import chemic. Deciding whether sunscreen ingredients are safe or not is also a controversial topic!

What I practise is use a combination of protective vesture and the safest sunscreen that I tin can find to protect me from the sun, as well equally accept a vitamin D supplement every day - but that's some other controversial topic. Scientists and nutritionists can't seem to concord on the dose of vitamin D supplement that we should be taking. It needs to be both safe and constructive.

whonunuwho from U.s.a. on June 18, 2012:

I realize that the peel absorbs sunlight and creates vitamin D that we need for basic and teeth. I wonder if vitamin supplements, milk and milk products, or the sun. itself is best in supplying Vitamin D. Sunlight can exist a cause of skin cancer and it concerns me well-nigh exposing my pare, more than so than when I was younger.


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